Clarity. Intimacy. Growth. 

Are you struggling to determine if your challenges are foundational or if you just need some new tools? Are you ready to deepen your connection and feel more heard and appreciated? This is support for couples and individuals at a crossroad— no matter where in the journey you are. Sessions balance the emotional support of traditional couples counseling with practical, solutions-based tools for you to implement right away.

What our clients have to say…

Here because you’re there.

We exist to help you two connect and thrive. We’re here because we know how important it is for you to have meaningful connection. You probably first felt aligned with your partner because you balance each other out, and now, maybe those different styles of planning and communication are causing tension, or sometimes have you feeling like you’re living more parallel lives, or like true intimacy and growth are lacking. That’s why we’ve designed private sessions and group work to help you find the best fit to share, grow, and develop simple but powerful tools to deepen your understanding, intimacy, and connection.

Support that Fits the Two of You


Longing for More?

Do you feel you’ve hit a plateau? Are you wondering how to reignite passion and intimacy? Are you committed but ready for growth?

Moving on Up

Are you in a good place, but excited to increase your arsenal of tools, or have a big transition coming and wnat to make sure you’re well equipped?

At a Breaking Point?

Have you been struggling for a long time, and finding yourself wondering again and again whether you two have what it takes to make it work?

We got This.

Private Support
$250 couples/$195 individuals

Targeted, efficient support- for quick results.

Unlikely traditional counseling, these sessions offer a safe space for you to share your unique situation with Dawn, and receive personal support and tools to begin implementing immediately. Most couples get clarity within a handful of sessions, but sometimes find continuing to meet biweekly or monthly after the initial weekly sessions offers a great touchstone for ongoing support.

Focus on tools for effective communication, conflict resolution, intimacy and appreciation, and building or rebuilding Trust.

Full Program
$1250 for six sessions

Savings of $250 over the per-session rate!

A full program of highly-targeted support. Unlike traditional couples counseling, most couples find the initial support and relief they need in only 5 sessions. Dawn will connect with you directly on the areas where you most need clarity and growth, then offer support and guidance on specific steps and research-based tools, you can incorporate to navigate together with deepened listening and connection. BONUS: Simple and incredibly effective resources you can use immediately and indefinitely are sent to you and yours to keep.

What our clients are saying:

Chakaboy V. 

Fremont, CA

“Dawn is an amazing counselor. She is empathetic, kind, sincere, inclusive, professional and oh-so-helpful. She is exactly what you'd want while working with your partner. There's a reason why she is so well-reviewed and well-regarded by anyone that comes into contact with her.”


Jennifer Y.

Culver City, CA

“What I can say is that Dawn has lent us indispensable insight on how to navigate the hard days of a relationship—whether it be current or in the future. We can’t recommend her enough—it’s hard to see us embarking on this journey without going through some semblance of the exercises that Dawn has us run through in our sessions. I’m personally eternally grateful to Dawn for helping me understand what my partner needs better and for helping my partner do the same. Therapy, counseling, etc. can feel a little daunting or awkward to start at times but Dawn’s empathic demeanor and energy can make a lot of the unease in letting a stranger into your relationship completely dissipate.”


Brandey H.

Alhambra, CA

“…She facilitated some difficult conversations, gave us exercises to improve our communication, and gave us hope that we would have a successful marriage despite our differences.”

You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.
— Thich Nhat Hanh